
By intertwining creativity and ancestorship, Art Spirit Heal creates a holistic and nurturing environment for individuals to embark on a transformative journey of healing, self-discovery, and empowerment, where the power of art and connection with ancestral roots pave the way for profound personal growth and spiritual insights.

JeKaren Olaoya (she/her) is a multi-disciplinary Artist and Chaplain who guides people to find spiritual practices that heal.

“Born and raised in Macon, Georgia, my world revolved around sweet tea, complaining about the heat and humidity, and dreaming of a world where love conquered all.

A graduate of Starr King School for the Ministry, I earned my Master’s of Divinity in Chaplaincy and I am passionate about community chaplaincy and spiritual guidance through creativity.

Before Starr King, I earned my master’s degree in Nonprofit Leadership and Management from Arizona State University and certification as a Death and Grief Doula.

Throughout my career, I have worked with a wide range of congregations in nearly every position available, from nursery caregiver to Director of Religious Education to Congregational Administrator. I am known for my authenticity, as well as my ability to center love and care in community. I am a lifelong learner who is always seeking new challenges and opportunities to grow and expand my knowledge and skills.

Outside of work, I enjoy all things creative and artistic, devoting my free time to scrounging for art mediums at creative reuse stores and making for pleasure while binge-watching Netflix. My volunteer work is currently focused on serving as a Trustee for the Unitarian Universalist Association.

As a practitioner of African Earth-based spiritualities as a Unitarian Universalist, I draw upon the wisdom and guidance of my ancestors for spiritual direction.”


Get started right now and go at your own pace. Start at the end. Start in the middle. You are in control.

Group Art

You don’t have to engage in the process on your own. Invite me to your congregation or professional gathering for a large or small group retreat or workshop.

Conference and Event Chaplaincy

Seeking a Chaplain for your Conference or Event? Contact me at info@ArtSpiritHeal.com for more information.

I am an entrepreneurial minister, which means I am a freelancer, and every part of my income comes from the work I do.

If everyone who visited this site gave just $5 a month, less than the cost of a cup of coffee and a donut, those costs would be covered in a single week.

Whether you give once or monthly, your generosity will keep Art Spirit Heal low cost with goal of becoming free. 

Please give generously!

Let the Spirit of creativity in!

Follow me for updates and photos from real workshops and retreats!